Agent SHIELD T. Daisy Johnson coloring page

Daisy Johnson (Chloe Bennet), an American S.H.I.E.L.D. agent with martial arts and earthquake powers, also known as Quake.
On this coloring page, you can see a formidable figure of American agent Daisy Johnson, ready for action. She has dark hair and intense dark eyes, and wears a sleek black and gray fitted uniform with gloves and boots. In one hand she holds a device, representing her skill as a tech-savvy agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Her other arm is raised in a powerfully defensive stance. To represent her power to cause earthquakes, you can draw a subtle quaking pattern on her costume with subtle shades of blue and green to represent the seismic repercussions of her ability. You can also draw some lightning bolts to symbolize her strength. For the background, you can use bright yellows and oranges to evoke a sense of energy and excitement. For Daisy herself, you may want to use warm but muted colors, drawing attention to her composed yet powerful attitude. Feel free to experiment with different color schemes to give her character an individualized look.