Batman and batgirl coloring page

Batman & Batgirl face enemies together, fighting with masks & costume, Batman in dark suit & yellow cape, Batgirl in purple bodysuit & bat emblem. Batgirl carries batarang.
Batman and Batgirl stand together, hand in hand, united against their common enemy. Batman is clad in his iconic dark suit, yellow belt and cape, while Batgirl is dressed in an eye-catching purple bodysuit with a bright yellow bat emblem on her chest. Both wear their masks and are fighting with their powerful wills. Batgirl is clutching a yellow batarang in her hand while they are surrounded by an angry mob, but they are determined to not buckle under the pressure. To properly capture this picture, one should use vibrant colors such as deep blues and purples for the heroes and villains surrounding them, drab browns and yellows to suggest the dust stirred up by the fight, and shadows of grey, black and navy for the scene of the battle.