Joker coloring page

Joker & Batman battle it out on a coloring page - Joker with a gun & bomb, Batman with a Batarang.
This coloring page features the iconic Joker and Batman figures, each with their respective weapons. The Joker is dressed in his distinctive orange and black suit and has a wicked grin on his face. He is holding a silver gun in his right hand, and his left hand is raised in the air with a black bomb. Standing behind him is the brave and determined Batman, dressed in classic green and black and flying through the air with his cape billowing behind him. His right hand clutches a large, silver Batarang. Bringing this scene to life could be done by using different shades of black, green and orange to bring out the figures and their features. The Joker's orange suit could be highlighted with lighter orange tones, creating contrast and bringing out different details in his clothing. Batman's cape could be made darker, to offer a sense of movement, and shades of grey can be used to make his Batterang stand out. Finally, some yellow and white might be used to give the figures a shining effect, and some sparkle can be applied to the cloth and the gun to make this page really special.