Ninjago lego coloring page

Ninjas battle skeleton army amid ruined city, wielding swords & shields. Towering mountain looms in the background.
This exciting and action-packed coloring page features a group of brave ninja fighting off an army of menacing skeleton warriors. Their swords and shields clash fiercely in a dazzling display of combat while they bravely defend their home from the threatening forces. In the back of this roiling battle is a stunning mountain range that looms over a devastated city, conjuring a mood of tragedy and destitution. To capture the urgent and dramatic atmosphere of this scene, dark and daring colors like earthy browns, bold blues and fiery reds would be perfect for the ninja, with softer hues used for the skeletal warriors and the highlight of bright oranges and yellows for the distant city and the mountain peak. A thrilling and vibrant artwork awaits you!