Jay coloring page

Jay in blue ninja attire stands in a jungle, sword in hand ready to fight.
Jay stands atop a bold and rocky outcropping, surrounded by lush foliage of a green and vibrant jungle. His pose is heroic and confident, as he holds a bright blue sword in his right hand. His ninja essence is apparent, wearing an equally blue suit and mask, his costume set to blend in with the shadows of his domain. His colors are bright and pop from the rich, jungle tones, to draw the viewer's eye. You could use a plethora of blues for his outfit, from the bold and unique to the lighter and subtle. His sword could be shaded with metallic blues to suggest its gleaming and powerful presence. To bring out his surroundings, accents of yellow and orange as well as dark greens and soft browns may be applied to suggest the lush and vibrant colors of a tropical paradise.