Ninja coloring page

Six Ninjas in LEGO Ninjago coloring page - black, blue, green, red, yellow, and white - stand on a city building. #LEGO #ColoringPage
This vibrant coloring page featuring six Ninjago Ninja is perfect for young imaginations. The ninjas are each a different color and standing on top of a building in a city skyline. The black ninja is positioned in the back, a blue ninja in the center, and a green ninja in the front. The other three ninjas are red, yellow, and white. To really bring this coloring page to life, why not add some of your own creative touches? Utilize different shades and tones of each color to make the ninjas really stand out. Add extra details with gray and brown for the elements of the city and the building. Have fun with it and be sure to be bold with the bright colors this page allows!