Emily on a bike coloring page

Peppa & Emily are riding bikes, they both have helmets & Peppa has a bell. Both smiling & having fun.
Peppa and Emily are happily riding their bicycles together on a beautiful, sunny day. Peppa's bike is yellow with a blue bell and is adorned with decorative daisies, while Emily's bike is bright pink with a strawberry-shaped bell. Both friends are wearing protective helmets, and they are both wearing huge smiles. To make this coloring page even more vibrant, we can use a sunny yellow for Peppa's bike, a bright pink for Emily's bike, and rainbow colors for the helmets. For the bells, we can use a gold metallic finish. To emphasize their joy, we can use a light pink and light blue for their faces. To add a touch of fun, the background can be filled with a light green to evoke an outdoor feeling. Let's bring these two best friends to life with colorful pencils and markers!