Piglet coloring page

Friendly and curious pink pig in green meadow with upturned snout and floppy ears.
The pink pig sits amongst the tall green grass of the meadow, its head turned to the side and its large, black eyes gazing off into the distance. Its floppy ears hang loosely, while its snout is ever so slightly upturned, as if it's smelling something interesting. Its four little legs are tucked tightly beneath it, and its tail is curled up behind. Overall, the pig looks content and curious about what the day will bring. When coloring this picture, I'd choose calming but vibrant colors to bring the meadow to life. A soothing light green for the background grass and a sunny yellow for the sky will look great together. For the pig, I'd use a variety of pinks to bring out its rosy color, blending into a lighter pink for its belly. Adding a touch of white for its eyes and black for its small hooves will really make the pig stand out.