Donald Duck on Halloween coloring page

Donald Duck is dressed as a pirate for Halloween, complete with black hat, red bandana, and denim jacket - candy filled bag in tow.
Donald Duck is ready to celebrate Halloween in his best pirate costume. The hat is black with a white feather, a red bandana tied around his neck and a denim jacket with fringed sleeves gives him the perfect adventurer look. He also has a paper grocery bag filled with candy - a must-have accessory for any pirate on Halloween! To color this picture, I would start by creating a cool color palette that includes shades of red, blues and whites. I would begin by coloring his hat and bandanna bright red and the denim jacket with a faded blue. Next, I would add in the details of white to complete the pirate look, like the feathers in the hat, and the fringed trim on the jacket. Finally, I would fill in the background with various blues and oranges to create an Halloweeny atmosphere.