Shoes coloring page

Black and white shoes with laces and white stripe, black/white soles.
This is a fun and intriguing coloring page! The shoes are predominately black, with white laces that stand out against the other color. The shoes further have a white stripe that runs down the middle, which helps to further separate the two dominant colors. The soles of the shoes have patches of both black and white, which helps to prevent the coloring page from becoming too monotonous. To add to the overall look and feel of the shoes, I would recommend adding a third, bolder color as an accent. For example, a deep blue or even a yellow could be used to provide a pop of color to the shoes, while still allowing the black and white to remain the main elements of the coloring page. Additionally, adding a gradient between some of the colors can provide a nice effect, making sure to not overpower the overall palette and design of the shoes.