Xylophone coloring page

Wooden instrument of graduated tuned bars struck with mallets to make music. #xylophone
This coloring page displays a xylophone with brightly colored keys. Two sticks are suspended in the air - one in bright yellow and one in deep blue. The frame and legs of the xylophone are in a wooden color. The mallets are both white, with a lightly feathered blue and yellow sweep of color. To bring out the vibrant colors of the xylophone, add bright yellows, blues, oranges, and purples in the background. This will help highlight the colorful keys and further add to the whimsical character of the instrument. A pop of red could be added the top of the frame, to add contrast and visual interest. To complete the scene and give it drama, shade the mallet heads and the bottom of the xylophone with a warm grey to bring out the texture of the wooden elements in the piece. So what do you think? Choose a bright and fun palette to really make this instrument come to life!