Trombone coloring page

A trombone is a brass instrument with a slide to change pitch; it's bigger than a trumpet & has a lower pitch.
This majestic trombone stands in the foreground brilliantly shiny with its golden surface. It has a big bell, several sections including an inner and outer slide, and a mouthpiece. The detailing on the instrument is intricate, showing off its shape and structure. To create an even more realistic look, you could use warm tones to accent the golden sheen of the trombone. Try using a yellow ochre to shade the bell and mid-tone browns to show off the embossed details. Darker shades of brown and a deep red can be used to shade the creases near the edges of the instrument, helping to create extra dimension. Metallic gold and silver can be used too, to add a magical twinkle to the trombone. Experimenting with light and dark colours will make for a truly stunning image!