Girl in a kokoshnik coloring page

Young girl wearing traditional Russian kokoshnik headdress, colorful dress, & surrounded by other similarly dressed girls. Background is deep blue.
This vibrant coloring page features a colorful celebration of traditional Russian culture! In the center, there is a young girl wearing a flower-adorned traditional Russian kokoshnik headdress. Her dress is also adorned with flowers and bright colors, setting her apart from the group of other children behind her. The background is a deep, royal blue and creates a striking contrast between the figure and the muted colors behind her. To really bring out the vibrant colors of the girl, use light pastels and darker purples to bring out the dark blue background. The brighter colors featured on the young girl’s dress and headdress can be accented best with softer, more brilliant hues, creating a joyful and inviting scene that captures the warmth and richness of Russian culture.