Geography lesson coloring page

Teacher teaches geography to attentive students, writing different places on the board.
On the coloring page, the teacher is standing in front of a class of students, teaching them about geography. The teacher is writing different locations and facts on the whiteboard, pointing to them one by one. The students are sitting in their seats and listening intently to their instructor. To color the page, one could opt for bright vibrant hues for the teacher and the students, perhaps the countries listed on the whiteboard could be filled in with different colors for contrast. To draw out the teacher's presence, a warm, powerful shade of red or blue could be used for the clothing, providing a strong focal point for the illustration. For the students, calming tints of green, yellow, and pink could be utilized to make the image more joyful. Finally, the whiteboard could be filled in with a neutral hue to bring attention to the words written on it.