Little mouse coloring page

3 animals in friendship: mouse, rabbit, squirrel. The mouse wears a blue dress and yellow scarf, rabbit a red sweater and blue scarf, and squirrel holds an acorn.
This delightful coloring page features three small animals, a mouse, a rabbit, and a squirrel. The mouse is in the center with big ears, a long tail and wearing a blue polka-dot dress and a yellow scarf. The rabbit to its left is wearing a red sweater and blue scarf. It has big, black eyes and a brown nose. The squirrel to the right is holding an acorn and has a big, bushy tail. It also has big, black eyes and a brown nose. All three animals have smiles on their faces to make them look friendly and inviting. When coloring this fun page, you can have fun creating different colors for the animals' clothing. For example, the mouse can be dressed in shades of blue, the rabbit in shades of red, and the squirrel in warm tones of brown. The eyes and nose of each animal can be highlighted with black and white or grey for a more realistic look. To make the scene look extra special, you could also add finer details like white polka dots on the mouse's dress, and a pink blush on the cheeks of all three animals. Have fun and get creative!