Letter to Santa Claus coloring page

A little girl writes a letter to Santa, legs crossed, pencil in hand, looking up at the ceiling, deep in thought.
This coloring page depicts a sweet little girl in a cozy environment, preparing a letter to Santa Claus. She is lying on her stomach, her legs crossed behind her, with a pencil in her hand and the notepad in front of her. Her gaze is fixed on the ceiling, likely dreaming of all the presents she hopes to receive. To color this page, various shades of pink and red can be used to bring out the warm and cosy atmosphere of the scene. The walls of the room can be painted yellow, to reflect the flickering light of a fire nearby. The girl can be colored yellow too, in order to bring out the lightheartedness of the moment, while the pencil and notepad can be colored blue to contrast the warm scene. Lastly, a bright and cheery white can be used to paint Santa's workshop in the background.