Marine Corps soldiers coloring page

Marines march in formation towards dockside ship, ready to take them into battle.
This vibrant coloring page showcases an inspiring image of a proud unit of marines in full regalia. Underneath a bright blue sky they stand straight and tall, marching side by side along a path to the sea, where a ship waits to take them to battle. Depending on the look you wish to achieve, the marines can be colored any number of ways. For a brighter, unified look, use a strong, dark blue for their uniforms and subtle shades of gray for their helmets and boots. Add shading and texture for an extra layer of realism. For a softer result, use softer blues, grays, and muted shades of green and brown. To add drama, color the sky a brilliant shade of blue, or use a mix of purples and yellows for a setting sun. Finally, give the ship a classic navy look with a mix of blue and white. With so many possibilities, this exciting image is sure to come to life in beautiful and imaginative ways.