Master Yola coloring page

Gathered around a table, two people (man/woman) point at a large globe with a blue and white planet in the center.
This coloring page reflects a scene of mysterious intrigue. A group of people can be seen conversing around a table in a dark room. At the center of the table is a large globe with a blue and white planet on it. Two people are sitting at the table, a man and a woman. The woman is pointing at the globe, her long, pale finger tracing the outline of the planet. To create a feeling of tension in this scene, the remaining figures could be colored in muted tones like black, grey and brown, emphasizing the stark contrast with the globe. For the man and woman seated at the table, a muted burnt orange and beige could be used to draw the focus to the globe and its bright colors. The globe itself could be painted a vibrant blue and white, lending the scene some life and motion.