Armored infantry coloring page

Future wars will involve heavily-armed & armored infantry fighting in close quarters; soldiers must be careful when engaging enemy forces.
This coloring page depicts a battle scene in a future war. Armored infantry soldiers are charging forward, weapons drawn and ready for a close-quarters fight. Their armor is gleaming in the sunlight, a testament to their power and strength in the face of danger. The sky is a bright blue, providing a perfect backdrop to the intense action on the ground. To color this page, I'd suggest using bright, bold colors to bring the scene to life. Use a metallic gold or silver for the soldiers' armor to give it an extra shine. For the background, opt for a lighter blue to emphasize the sky. Add hints of red or orange to create an interesting contrast and make the soldiers stand out even more. Finish it off with some bright greens and browns to bring the terrain to life.