Rooster coloring page

Roosters are male chickens with long tails that crow loudly; they come in a variety of colors.
This coloring page shows a bright red rooster. Its majestic orange plume of tail feathers stands out against the light blue sky. Its beak is a bold yellow, and its comb and wattles are a vibrant crimson. The feathers around its neck are a delicate pink, and the feathers on its wings and legs are a soft brown. To enhance the rooster's beauty, I would color its feathers in the different shades of red, yellow, and blue that can be seen in its natural plumage. I would also use a lighter hue of brown on the edges of the feathers to add depth and depth of color. I would then add shades of pink to the comb and wattles, and yellow or gold to the beak. Finally, I would deepen the blue of the sky with various shades and add extra detail to the feathers.