Sailor coloring page

Sailor stands on dock, wearing blue shirt, white pants, hat, and red scarf. Holding a telescope in left hand, with a ship in background. #coloringpages
The sailor stands against a cloudy sky, looking out towards the open ocean. His blue shirt billows in the wind, while his white pants are crisp and pressed. On his head is a blue hat and around his neck is a red scarf flapping in the breeze. In his left hand, he holds a small telescope, a source of guidance and hope as he searches for distant lands. If you were to color this image, you could imagine the sailor standing in a sea of deep blue, surrounded by a sky of light grey. His shirt could be painted a royal blue while his hat is a striking navy blue. Let the red scarf shine in a vibrant scarlet tone and the trousers an off-white. For the ship in the background, paint it a classic white and draw it with a tan colored mast.