Automobile coloring page

Two cars with headlights on: a small dark blue car & a silver SUV with two rows of seats & large back window.
In the coloring page, two cars drive across the page. The first one is small and dark blue, with a sleek design and four doors. The second is much bigger, silver, and in the shape of an SUV, with two rows of seats and a large back window. Both of the cars have their headlights switched on, creating a bright reflection off their metallic paint and windows. To give each car a realistic look, adding shadows and highlights can help make the vehicles appear more three dimensional. Shades of blue and silver could be used to bring out the cars' aesthetic, while a white hue could be used to make the windows and headlights stand out. For a bolder effect, shades of yellow, orange and white can be used to make the running lights brighter. Finally, adding clearer details with a complementary color, such as black, to the doors, plates and windshield wipers could be the perfect final touch.