Circus monkey coloring page

Monkeys on bikes, jumping through hoops & balancing in costume delight a cheering crowd.
This delightful coloring page features a performance by a troupe of clever monkeys! They look so vivid and colorful in their costumes as they perform a variety of tricks. From riding on bicycles to hopping through hoops and balancing atop one another, they are sure to amaze the large crowd that is gathered before them, joyfully applauding their display. To color this page, use vibrant shades of reds, blues, and greens to give the monkey performers a dazzling, eye-catching look. Utilize yellow and orange to pick out the bananas they are enjoying, as well as a bright yellow sun in the background, and don't forget to color the crowd with a variety of colors to show their excitement for the show. Finally, a splash of light pink, purple, and teal can be used for the setting, such as flowing flags and decorations. Together, these colors will provide a cheerful and fun scene for you to enjoy!