Ball and pyramid coloring page

Ball on the ground and pyramid on top, pointing up.
The vibrant coloring page features a large sphere on the bottom, with a tall pyramid perched on top of it. The pyramid's apex points upward, seeming to reach out towards the sky. The scene is awash in bright, cheerful colors that make the picture inviting and exciting. To bring out the details of the vibrant shapes, the bright blue of the ball should be accented with orange and yellow hues. Meanwhile, the pyramid's many sides could be fiery red or glowing orange to further bring out its shape and structure. Or, for a more calming effect, the golden yellow of the pyramid could be balanced with a single, central blue swath. No matter the approach, this is a wonderful opportunity to share a unique and interesting work of art with the world. To bring a sense of depth to the composition, color the background in a softer blend of blues, greens, and purples. Keep in mind that the darker tones of the background will add a gravity to the scene, while the lighter tones convey a more ethereal atmosphere. With careful blending and bold color choices, this image will truly come alive.