Outfits of Russian beauties coloring page

Two Russian blondes with bright dresses, fur-trimmed shawls, and small dogs in their laps. Both have curled hair + delicate features (one with a necklace, one with a ribbon).
This beautiful coloring page showcases two Russian women adorned in colorful, fur-trimmed dresses. Sitting side by side, a woman in a red dress and one in a green dress wear shawls draped over their shoulders and hold small dogs in their laps. Both have their hair in loose curls around their ears, their features delicate and sweet. The woman in red has a necklace with a large pendant and the one in green a simple ribbon around her neck. To add depth and texture to the page, use lighter and darker shades of each color to emphasize the bright hues of their dresses. For added drama, create shadows along the folds of their fabric and the fur of their shawls. Give the dogs a hint of texture with browns or greys and layer their fur with assorted tones. Add a touch of sparkle to the pendant and ribbon with a muted gold. This coloring page is sure to bring warmth and joy.