Outfit with a pattern coloring page

Young woman in traditional Russian outfit in rural landscape is the focus of a painting: blouse, red scarf, flowered skirt, dark hair in bun and headscarf.
This coloring page is full of character and beauty. The young Russian woman at the centre of the page is wearing a traditional costume of a white blouse with intricate embroidery, a red scarf and a flower-patterned skirt. Her dark hair is drawn back in a neat bun and a headscarf completes the look. Behind her is a delightful scene, with a river and trees giving off a feeling of serenity. To bring the image to life, you can use vibrant colors for the blouse and skirt, such as bright red and pink. The scarf could also be a different color, such as sky blue or lemon yellow. For the background, warmer tones would be suitable, such as pink, orange and green, which could be blended together to create an arresting sunset setting.