Ural-Siberian painting coloring page

Painting of mountain in snow, dense forest, river w/ rocks, sun setting in distance.
In the center of the painting is a majestic mountain. Its white peaks are virtually untouchable, and the surface is rugged and stony. To the left of the mountain is a dense, lush forest. Tall trees, with their emerald green leaves, stand together in strength. To the right is a river. Rapid currents ripple swiftly and the river is dotted with rocks and stones. In the distance, the bright orange hues of a setting sun are just visible. The magnificent mountain should be colored a grayish-white to highlight its texture. The surrounding forest should be painted a deep green to complement the lushness of its foliage. The river should be colored a bold blue to represent its strength and power. To signify the setting sun, the sky should be colored a warm orange and pink, and the trees should be highlighted with a golden yellow. The contrast between the different elements in the painting should be vivid and vibrant to create a stunning image.