Ural-Siberian patterns coloring page

A painting of snow-capped mountains, green trees, and three birds flying in the sky. A river runs through the center.
This peaceful painting depicts a mountain range with various shades of brown, tan and white. The mountains are detailed and textured, with snow-capped peaks in the higher altitudes. Through the mid-ground of the painting is a river, its waters bordered by lush green trees and foliage. The sky is graced with three majestic birds, soaring in formation through its majestic expanse. To bring this scene to life, I would recommend using warm colors to create a muted yet vibrant effect. Start with a light brown or ochre-toned canvas, then make the mountain ridgelines with tan and white or grey paint. You can shade in areas to create shadows and add detail. For the river and trees, opt for greens and blues to really bring the painting to life. Lastly, bring the sky into existence with deep dark blues and purples, with accents of bright yellow and white to represent the sun. To make the birds stand out, I would suggest painting them with bright oranges, yellows and whites.