Cleats and soccer ball coloring page

Cleats and soccer ball drawn on sport equipment coloring page. Black and white laces and ball.
The coloring page displays a set of sport equipment, a pair of cleats set atop a soccer ball. The cleats look like a classic style, with two white laces stretching from either end of the tongue and a black upper. The soccer ball displays a black and white hexagon raindrop pattern. To add extra detail, consider using a mix of shades of black and white to create a 3D textured effect. Both the cleats and the soccer ball look great when filled in with a bold primary colour such as red, yellow, or blue. This pops up against the black and white contrast, creating vibrant contrast and texture. When coloring the cleats, do not be afraid to experiment with other vibrant shades as well, such as greens, oranges, and purples. Whatever colour choices you make, this sport equipment coloring page is sure to look fantastic!