Figure skating coloring page

Figure skaters combine athleticism, power, flexibility & artistry to move gracefully across the ice with complex jumps & lifts.
On the coloring page, two skaters form an intricate figure on the ice. The graceful duo is engaged in an ecstatic dance, made even more beautiful by the soft glow of the stadium lights. Every movement requires balance, technique, and concentration—the skater on the left spins around, his body extended in a high kick, while his partner exhausts effort to keep their center of gravity steady. As they spiral together and around the rink, their interwoven ebony and ivory clothing stands out against the white canvas of the ice. Pops of blue, green and yellow hues on the clothing, along with subtle red and orange tones, bring out the emotional expressions on their faces as they glide harmoniously. Illuminate this artful depiction of athletics with dazzling tones, and use shades of grey to accurately depict the ice and shadows.