Ice skater coloring page

Person ice skating on rink wearing light blue shirt, dark blue pants, white skates, arms out for balance, gliding gracefully across ice.
The figure on the page is ice skating gracefully on a sparkling winter rink. They are wearing a light blue shirt and dark blue pants, along with traditional white skates, and their arms are out at their sides for balance. They look so peaceful and graceful as they sail across the glistening ice. To add color and dimension, I would suggest shading the skater's outfit with a light grey or blue-gray, and make the arms and skates an even brighter white. The ice could be colored a cool, glittering blue-gray, diffused by puffs of white, to give the illusion of light reflecting off the surface. Farther away from the skater, use a light yellow and even a bit of pink to add a sparkle of light and really paint a beautiful winter scene.