Swimming coloring page

Man swimming in black swimsuit, black cap, doing laps in the pool.
This coloring page portrays a man swimming in a pool. His swimsuit is predominantly black and he is wearing a black swim cap on his head. He is swimming laps, his arms moving swiftly through the water. To color this image, give the man a bright and vibrant skin tone so he stands out from the pale blue water and the deep black swimsuit. Make his swim cap and swimsuit shine with reflective highlights, and color the water subtly with a light blue tint, adding some deeper shades of blue to emphasize where the water is the deepest. For an extra pop of color, add some splashes of white creating a fluffy effect around him in the water. Lastly, to contrast the bright colors, color the background with neutral shades of gray or blue to bring out the focus of the swimmer in the pool.