Athletics. High jump coloring page

Person using pole to jump clear bar in high jump coloring page.
This coloring page is all about athleticism and challenging oneself. The illustration portrays a person doing the high jump, using a pole to help them leap over the bar. The expression on their face is one of concentration, strength, and determination. Coloring this image could be a great way to celebrate the human body's capability for strength and agility. To enhance the effect of height, you could use a blue hue for the sky at the top of the page, with lighter shades of pink and yellow beneath it, to mimic the effects of a beautiful sunset in the distance. For the person in the illustration, use bright yellows, oranges and reds to emphasize the action of jumping up, while using cooler shades to give the impression of determination. This can add some dynamism to the image and really show off the jumper's graceful movement.