Basketball player coloring page

Person in coloring page wearing blue & white basketball uniform, holding a ball, standing on blue & white court.
The person in the coloring page stands proud in their blue and white basketball uniform, held aloft by a lacing of crossovers and straps. They hold in their hands a swatch of midnight blue, prominently detailed with the iconic white hexagonal panels of the basketball’s traditional texture. Their eyes cleverly disguise their courtly ambitions as the person looks contemplatively towards the expanse of the blue and white basketball court, ready to take on their next challenge. A vibrant shade of blue for the court and uniform will typically bring the centerpiece and its b-balling visionary to life. Lively accents of white will provide a zesty contrast to bring out the nuances of the basketball uniform, and the command of the form within. Texturing the basketball with a mix of black, white, and varying shades of blue would be a fine blend of contrast and classic design. To enrich the eyes of the figure and the expression behind them, utilizing a slightly lighter shade of blue will serve to provide a gentle glimmer as the person takes on their next challenge.