Weightlifting. Weightlifter coloring page

Weightlifter in blue/white USA uniform holds two heavy weights in hands. #weightlifting
This coloring page shows a weightlifter in blue and white uniform with the words "USA" printed on the front. The weightlifter stands with two large metal weights in their hands, showcasing their strength and skill. To color in this picture, you may choose to keep the uniform mainly blue with white accents, or give each piece a different color as if the athlete is wearing a colorful outfit. To bring the scene to life, you may add shadows and highlights to the weightlifter, as well as to the metal weights. A darker color may be used to outline the figure and the writing. Alternatively, you may choose to leave the outline blank, so the athlete stands out against the page. No matter what color scheme you decide on, this weightlifter is sure to look amazing and lifelike when you’re done!