In the sleigh of the pirate princess coloring page

Two reindeer and two waving characters, Jake and the Pirate Princess, stand beside a large empty sleigh in the center. #ChristmasInJuly
This coloring page is a wonderful winter scene! The large, empty sleigh in the center of the page is ready to take off, with two large, white reindeer at the ready. On either side of the sleigh are Jake and the Pirate Princess, both of them grinning and waving. Adding some color to this page can really liven up the scene. To bring warmth to the image, I would use shades of yellow and red, particularly around the edges of the sleigh and the faces of Jake and the Pirate Princess. A bright red for the reindeer's noses would look festive, and blues and greens for the snowbanks in the background would make the image pop! This page is sure to bring a smile to anyone looking at it!