Pirate Jake coloring page

A boy w/ light brown skin & black hair stands on a beach in front of a green pirate ship w/ a treasure chest. He wears a red bandana & shirt, brown pants, & a gold hook for his right hand. #Pirates #Treasure
This boy is an adventurous pirate, ready to set sail! He's wearing a vibrant red bandana, shirt and brown pants, but his most noticeable feature is his gold hook for a right hand. On the beach before him sits a magnificent green and yellow pirate ship, with a large treasure chest at the end of its ramp. To bring this vivid scene to life, you could start by coloring the boy's skin with a light brown, then adding a darker shade around his outline. Color his bandana and shirt with a wide, bright red, and shade in all of the creases of his shirt with a darker red. Make his pants a warm brown, and his gold hook a shiny metallic color. Color the pirate ship green with yellow highlights, the sand a loose yellow, and the treasure chest a light, golden brown. Finally, give the scene's sky a subtle blue hue, with a few lazy white clouds. Bring this pirate's adventures to life with your colors!