Strawberry Shortcake Puppy and Kitten coloring page

White puppy & orange kitten face viewer in a grassy patch surrounded by pink flowers. The pup has a pink collar & strawberry on its head, while the kitten has a green bow in its hair.
This cheerful scene features a white puppy and an orange kitten both basking in the sunshine. The puppy is wearing a pink collar and has a deliciously ripe strawberry perched atop its head. The curious kitten sits close by and has a bright, green bow in its fur. The sweet animals are surrounded by lush, green grass and blushing pink wildflowers, creating an idyllic picture of friendship. To bring this page to life, use sunny yellow to shade the puppies head, cheeks, and collar. Splash a rich, russet red all over the strawberry and the kitten's bow. Paint the fluff of the kitten in a creamy white, with a hint of brown paw pads. For the grass and flowers, use a bright, jade green and a deep, magenta pink. Finish it off with a beautiful sky with blues, purples and pinks to create a dreamy, summer paradise.