Forbidden section coloring page

Coloring page of a room full of forbidden books of all kinds, young & old people. #HarryPotter #ForbiddenSection
This is a detailed coloring page of Harry Potter - Forbidden section, a mysterious room full of mysterious books and even more mysterious people. Ancient books of lost knowledge filled the seemingly endless shelves, and visitors search their pages for knowledge they seek. Young children peer in the windows, wondering what secrets this great room holds. There is an air of mystery to the room, and an air that no one should disturb its contents. To color this page, use dark and mysterious colors such as midnight blues and deep forest greens. Incorporate a richer jewel tone like a deep ruby to represent the power of this room. To further capture the mystery feel, add light touches of gold to illuminate some of the relics around the room, as if they are calling out to the viewers’ curiosity. Finally, use light touches of grey to hint at the age and antiquity of the forbidden books, giving them a subtle shade of power. Colors like these create a feeling of mystery and wonder, immersing the viewer in the Forbidden section of Harry Potter.