Ron Weasley coloring page

Ron Weasley is an athletic redhead with glasses, wearing a Gryffindor scarf and ready to help Harry. #friendsforever
In this coloring page, Ron Weasley is beaming with mischievousness. His soft red hair is messy and his freckles visible against his pale skin. His glasses are large and round, giving him a bookish appearance, and he is bundled up in a Gryffindor scarf. To color this page, make Ron Weasley’s hair a deep crimson, and bring out the vividness of his freckles by using a yellow-orange hue. His glasses can be a bright steel blue and his scarf a regal scarlet with black stripes. Lastly, the background can be filled with a varied melange of hues and shades, evoking the warmth and merry spirit of Gryffindor house.