Hermione on a broom coloring page

Girl flies on broom, holds wand and wears robe with determined look; hair blowing back in wind.
The girl in the coloring page appears to be soaring through the sky atop her broom, with a confident look on her face and her arms crossed firmly over her chest. Her long, white robe billows behind her, her dark hair streaming out in the wind. In one hand she is holding a glittering wand, ready to cast a spell. Even the stars in the night sky seem to be fading in comparison to her determined aura. To bring the page to life, use bright blues and greens for the night sky, and soft pinks for the robe and face, accentuated by violets for the wand and auburn for her hair. Finally, add a few sparkling stars to the background and her bright eyes filled with ambition to give the page a magical and vibrant feel.