Albus Dumbledore coloring page

Old man in long, black robe holds a wand & has kindly face but hint of sadness in his eyes.
This old man looks wise and weathered from a life of experience. His long white beard and piercing blue eyes draw the eye. His black robe is clasped at the neck with a silver buckle, and he holds a thin wand in his right hand. His expression is kind, yet there is a hint of sorrow in his gaze. When coloring this figure, a somber palette can be used to best express his melancholic mood. Shades of gray, blue and black would work well to create a subdued atmosphere, while small touches of gold can be used to highlight the silver clasp and draw attention to the wand. For a brighter, fuller look, yellow, green, and pink can be added to give dimension and life to the illustration.