Tech-Headed Dog Snowball coloring page

Adorable tech-headed pup Snowball has white fur with black spots, a red & gold collar and loves staring at computer screens.
Snowball is a very cute dog with a unique look. His white fur is covered in black spots and he has big, brown eyes and a black nose. He is wearing a red and gold collared shirt with a bell attached, and he looks particularly interested in what is on the computer screen in front of him. To color Snowball, use a bright white shade and lighter shades on his nose and eyes. Use black to outline his beautiful spots, including one on the top of his head. His clothes can be colored with a red edging with golden details. To fill in his collar and his bell, use a light yellow-gold color. For the computer screen, mix blue, green and grey shades to give it a techy feel. You can also add other colors for the icons or applications. Let your imagination roam free and enjoy the marvelous results you will get.