Gulia Yelps coloring page

Ghoulia Yelps is a cool ghoul in a black & white ensemble with bright blue eyes & red glasses.
Ghoulia Yelps is an adorable girl with gray skin and jet black hair. She's got a pair of big blue eyes that shine like stars, and wears a pair of red glasses to match them. Her dark tank top is printed with a white skull design, and she ties it together with a black skirt with a white trim. She rounds out the look with a black and white striped scarf draped around her neck. Since the design gives us quite a few different colors, I would suggest coloring her hair and clothing in different shades of black and gray. Her skin can be a light gray hue, and her glasses and scarf can be ruby red and jet black for a nice contrast. For a fun twist, give her blue glasses frames and make the stripes on her scarf bright white and navy blue. You can also experiment with different colors for her tank top, such as a light pink or blue. Whatever you choose, Ghoulia Yelps is sure to look stunning!