Adagio Dazzl coloring page

Adagio: purple-haired girl w/ side ponytail & blue eyes, sleeveless dress w/ black bodice, purple skirt & white trim, black choker w/ purple gem, arm warmers & leggings, purple boots w/ white trim & a black mic in hand. #fashion #music
The sky is a deep purple, with stars twinkling in the background, creating a dreamy atmosphere. Adagio's hair and dress pop out against the canvas, her vibrant purple locks falling in a side ponytail, her eyes sparkling a bright blue. Her dress is a blend of blacks and purples, with white trim adding a subtle flourish. On her neck hangs a delicate choker with a purple gemstone catching the eye. Her arms are infused with warmth, thanks to the black arm warmers. Her leggings add to the dark color palette, and her feet complete the look with purple boots and white trim. Lastly, her hand delicately holds a black microphone, highlighting her passion for music. To do this picture justice, you can start by using an array of purples for the background. A lighter purple for the stars and a deeper shade for the sky. Then, Adagio can use a mix of whites, blacks and purples for her dress and accessories. Finally, a light gray shadow would add extra dimension to her hair and microphones, complementing the bold colors of the rest of the picture.