Rainbow Rock Rarity coloring page

Rarity is a stylish unicorn with blue eyes and long, blue hair wearing a lavender and white outfit and a silver tiara. Carrying a mic, ready to perform!
Rarity exudes elegance and grace as she stands with her long and luxurious blue hair shining like the stars. Her blue eyes sparkle and match her shimmering silver tiara, which is bejeweled with a vibrant blue gem. She wears a lovely lavender tank top with a white lace pattern along the top, and a flowing skirt, adorned with a white ruffled edge. Blue sandals, with criss-cross white straps, complete her stylish ensemble. In her right hand she holds a silver microphone with aplomb - she's always ready to perform! When coloring this page, chose warm, inviting colors to highlight Rarity's cheerful and cheery nature. Choose bright blues and lavenders to bring out the delicateness of her hair and eye color. The white detailing of her outfit can be left white, or shaded with a light gray. For an extra magical touch, add a bit of pink to the gem in her tiara!