Pinkie Pie Rainbow Rock coloring page

The Equestria Girls: Pinkie Pie stands with a guitar in hand, in front of a rainbow, ready to rock! #RainbowRock
This coloring page of Equestria Girls – Pinkie Pie Rainbow Rock shows a vibrant and optimistic girl ready to move the world with her music. With long, bright pink hair and bright blue eyes, she wears a blue top with a rainbow print and a colorful matching skirt. Her electric guitar stands in her hands ready for her to strum along and a rainbow behind her gives the page a vibrancy and depth. To color the page, a pinkish hue for the girl's hair, a bright blue for her top and a lighter blue for her skirt would be great. Use some thistle, rose, yellow and a selection of other colors for the guitar and rainbow. The result will be a truly magical page ready to be enjoyed!