Applejack coloring page

Girl with bright orange hair in cowboy outfit, holds an apple and has rope coiled around arm. Wears hat w/ pink ribbon & silver belt buckle w/ horseshoe.
This girl radiates with enthusiasm and energy! Her long, bright orange hair is pulled back into a ponytail, and she wears a stylish pink and orange plaid shirt, with a cowboy hat and ribbon perched atop her head. Her jeans match her shirt, and a shining silver belt buckle with a horseshoe is the perfect addition to her Western-inspired look. On her arm is a tightly coiled rope and in her right hand she is holding an apple. To bring out her bright and cheerful personality, you may want to opt for coral, pink, and yellow hues. The apple could be painted bright yellow and the silver buckle could be shaded with a metallic silver. The pink ribbon in the cowboy hat could take on a bubblegum pink, and the plaids could become a tinge darker with a touch of navy. The girl's coiled rope could be done with light brown and yellow, and you could also sprinkle some life into the illustration with a vivid, sunny background.