Sunset Shimmer coloring page

Sunset Shimmer wears a sleeveless, purple and pink dress, white laces, and a small tiara to complete her look. She stares with a serious expression.
Sunset Shimmer is looking off to the left with a serious expression on her face, her long, straight, orange and yellow hair beautifully partitions off between the two colors and cascades down her back. She is wearing a beautiful sleeveless, purple and pink dress with a ruffle hem that accentuates her figure. Her feet are encased in purple boots with white laces, and a small silver tiara sits atop her head. To best capture the glow and enchantment of the young character, try painting her dress with a luminous pink and purple that fades slowly into the night sky. Use bright oranges and yellows for her hair and a soft, gentle silver for her tiny tiara. The boots can be a deep purple that contrast the colors of her dress and her face, while the background sky is awash with a stunning array of colors– blues, reds and orange, among others. The perfect image emerges as the colors blend together.