Pony Fluttershy coloring page

Fluttershy is a gentle, shy yellow pony w/ pink mane/tail, big blue eyes & 3 pink butterflies Cutie Mark; loves animals & cares for them.
Pony Fluttershy is a sweet and delicate creature with a pastel yellow coat and a long, soft pink mane and tail. She has big, bright blue eyes and a tiny pink nose, with three pink butterflies as her beloved cutie mark. Representing her gentle nature, Pony Fluttershy loves animals and takes care of them. To color this page, use muted shades of yellow for her body, with slightly brighter tones for her mane and tail. For her eyes, use a baby blue hue, and bring the same color to her nose and cutie mark. However, make sure to use brighter tones for the butterflies to make them stand out against the paler shades of yellow. Add a touch of pink to her mane and tail so they look glossy and vibrant.